Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First Amazon Review

Not to be overlooked in the rush to create this blogspot, longtime friend and reader Susan "Mama Liberty" Callaway was the first to post a review of my Selected Salvos anywhere ... on my Amazon Books page.

Here's her full Five Star Review:

By MamaLiberty on February 23, 2014
I've known Garry Reed for many years, and have read most of his fine articles over that time. He has a clear and direct style, along with a wicked sense of humor, and that makes his material both informative and entertaining. I'm delighted to see that he's published the best of his articles and essays this way, and hope everyone who cares about liberty and justice will buy it for themselves and as gifts for friends.

Congratulations, Garry.

Notice that dear Mama didn't actually say that she had bought and read the book (yet), just that she has read my stuff many times over the years.

For people new to the Modern American Libertarian Movement Mama Liberty is the longtime Owner/publisher of The Price of Liberty.

Long Love Mama Liberty!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

First Big Book Review

Fellow North Texan Andrew Curtiss who serves as the Fort Worth Libertarian Examiner gave me a full-blown workup which isn't so much a "book review" as a "book – News Release – Profile – Publisher's page – video – review of an earlier review review."

It's all here at

Here are some of his comments that caught my ego – er, eye:

"Much to my pleasure I found his work well worth the time and worthy of sharing."
"Mr. Reed is a fun and interesting man who truly believes in the Libertarian view."
"Garry’s writing style is witty, intelligent and entertaining. Mr. Reed has the ability to address some very serious issues, yet not weigh one down with the gravity of the matters at hand."

"Perhaps most interesting to this writer is the Libertarian definition that Mr. Reed subscribes to. His depth into the contemplation of What is Libertarianism to be can be applauded."

"...the quality of writing and depth of the content are consistent throughout."

"As a reader you can expect a wide gamut of subjects from Scrooge McDuck Capitalism to Politically Correct Barbie Dolls. All of the content is articulate, candid and on point."

"Mr. Reed has a fun style and breathes new life into the subject of Libertarian politics and philosophy. There is no doubt that anyone who picks up this book will enjoy the reading regardless of political views.

"This is a short and easy read aimed at any reading level. Once again, it is the depth of the content that allows for so many viewpoints and education levels to benefit from this."

Thanks, Andrew, I can live with that!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Opening Salvo Posts

February 18, 2014

 I created this blog to publicize, talk about, brag about, discuss, defend, and rue the day I decided to publish this thing (available in paperback and eBook. Cheap! Buy early and buy often!)

Go to Author's Spotlight Page for more info! 

My first self-published book, "Selected Salvos from the Loose Cannon Libertarian," was officially born on or about February 16 when I clicked the "Approve" button on and it was officially unleashed upon an unsuspecting public.

I chose Lulu as my publishing source because they offered a book template in Microsoft Word .docx format.

I knew that would make it simple for me to bake my own book.

During a career as a freelance contract technical writer I had used nearly every iteration of Word at one time or another to create end user, repair, theory of operation and maintenance manuals for an eclectic collection of clients.

In fact, my introduction to Word came about during a project in which I had to create a technical manual from blank screen to finished product using an early DOS version of Word. No Windows, no mouse, monochrome monitor. All design, layout, margins, headers & footers, page numbering and text were keystroke driven.

It's not that I claim to be a Worldly Word SME (Subject Matter Expert). There were many things in Word I never needed to learn in order to produce a tech manual so I didn't learn them. Moving from client to client I learned what I needed to learn to get the job done and then moved on. Sometimes I wouldn't see much of Word for months, even years, while I was working in other packages such as Word Perfect, FrameMaker, PageMaker, Arbortext and other in-house proprietary programs while supplementing the text with graphics in AutoCad or Visio or CoralDraw, or otherwise performing logistics support analysis using SLIC, LEADS, CLASS, ILSA and whatever.

But because of that experience I had little problem creating my book in the latest version of Word and the template Lulu offered.

"Selected Salvos" is a collection of 20 of my earliest articles, all six from NewsGuy and the rest from Loose Cannon Libertarian from the years 2001 and 2002. All, then as now, were written on my own various computers using various versions of Word.

February 23, 2014

It appears my first official for-real review appeared on Books, a 5-Star write-up from dear longtime friend Mama Liberty, who admits she hasn't even read my book yet but she is certainly familiar with my work.

February 23, 2014

First Entry on Selected Salvos Blog

I was poking around online and discovered a profile I had written for a Google Blogger blog back in June 2006.

But I abandoned it after creating the profile and never launched the blog. Still, I somehow managed to garner 1010 profile views over the years.

Since I just published my first book, "Selected Salvos from the Loose Cannon Libertarian" I decided to launch this blog as a place to talk about it.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any way to translate the old profile into a new blog so I've had to start anew.

But here's the old profile. Very different than the one the current Blogger went out and pulled off the net for me. I like my old one better:


Garry Reed
On Blogger since June 2006
Profile views - 1010
My blogs
About me
My standard mini-bio, until something better comes along: Garry Reed is a freelance writer. His articles have appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the LP News, Miss Karrer's Fifth Grade composition scrapbook, and his own website called The Loose Cannon Libertarian.
Favorite Movies
Favorite Music
Favorite Books
When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?
No, I just wonder how I can get a job that pays me to write these incredibly stupid and irrelevant Random Questions.